Volunteer Hours Verification Track It Forward

Numerous Ways to Verify Volunteer Hours

Save time and save money by reducing spot checking in your verification process with 3 new ways to confirm your volunteers were there!

Contact us to try it out!

Immediate Email Verification

Volunteers can send the onsite coordinator instant email confirmations directly from the app! No more looking for the coordinator's information and waiting for them to confirm. We've streamlined it for you so you don't have to do it anymore!

Get Signatures from the Onsite Coordinator

Volunteers can have coordinators at the event verify their hours by signing the phone using their finger. They can either choose a coordinator already listed or add a new one on the spot. It's that easy and the coordinator will automatically receive an email receipt.

Capture Photo Memories

Require volunteers to upload a photo of themselves from the event into our mobile app or take a photo directly through the app. Pictures speak louder than words and not only will this help you verify hours, but you also have photos from each event to keep memories for your organization!

Share Your Location

Require volunteers to record their GPS coordinates on-site on the day of the event. These coordinates are pinned on a Google Map for easy location verification and include a timestamp along with the coordinates.

Exclusive Verification Dashboard for Admins

Approve or reject hours with the NEW easy-to-use approval dashboard! It's easy to view hours, verify submissions and send emails directly from the system if needed. There are no extra steps needed, we thought it through, and placed it all in one spot for you!

Try Track it Forward Free for 30 Days!