Recap for December 14th - December 27th
Thank you to everyone who contributed to the Facebook community this past week!
Sharing Your Role as a Volunteer Coordinator
So, what does a volunteer coordinator do? If this question comes from a coworker or other person who should already know, it can be frustrating. Sometimes, these individuals may just not be aware of all that you do in your role and the impact of the volunteer program. Our community has suggested some ways to really explain what you do and use the question as an opportunity to share, promote, and educate.
Comments from the group
- "I explained that I am a direct line supervisor for 356 people…and the most important work we do as volunteer coordinators is making personal connections. Volunteers aren’t ‘free’. They provide us a service at no cost, and we provide them a social opportunity, chance to give back, chance to feel they are making a difference. So when we take the time to talk to our volunteers about the impact they have on the community, or we skip lunch to chat with our staff…that is the intangible of what we do"
- "‘I recruit, engage & recognize the volunteers that make it possible for us to fulfill our mission.’ Then I follow up with an example of volunteer impact…it seems easier to comprehend what we do when people understand the impact…Providing an example helps."
- "When another staff member mentions volunteers…my ears perk up. Someone else that is interested in the volunteer program but is not on the volunteer engagement team can potentially be a goldmine of support and new ideas. I want to befriend this person and find out more. It is likely they are not trying to attack my position but are unaware of all that I do or just don’t connect the dots of how the program functions"
Check out all of the comments here!
Volunteer Time Tracking Software
Let’s get down to business! Here at Track it Forward, we host and moderate the Volunteer Coordinator Resource Community Facebook Group as a place for coordinators to come together and share stories and advice. We also want to help our community and their organizations. This is why Track it Forward offers a software solution for tracking and verifying volunteer hours, events, meetings, and more! To see how nonprofit and service organizations are using Track it Forward, check out some of the stories below.
Comments and Success Stories
- "It took me a couple of months of research before I recently took the plunge on Track It Forward. You can’t beat the price. There are a few things I had to work around to make it work for my current non profit needs, but overall, it is a fantastic program. Love the reports that can be pulled with just a few clicks." -PawPrint Ministries
- "[Track it Forward] has helped us grow into a much more organized group, and it is like taking the next step forward after being a very small organization." - Friends of the Hammock, Inc.
- "When I started looking at Track it Forward, it was really attractive. It’s really a one-stop shop." - Chico Parks Division
To see how others are using Track it Forward, read more about our success stories here.