Get Your Volunteers To Actually Track Their Hours
Volunteer Time Tracking Software Is Only Efficient if Your Volunteers Are, Too!
We packed all the research and studies into one eBook to help you get your volunteers on track to log their hours!
This eBook is a great resource for those who are confident that they have a great time tracking system, but are having trouble when it comes to having their volunteers actually track their hours in the system! It will also be great for Volunteer Managers new to volunteer time tracking to showcase all that goes into it, and it is yours for FREE!
Learn more about the following in our Volunteer Time Tracking eBook!
- Reasons you want to track your volunteer’s time, and if they are worth a large volunteer time tracking system
- How to promote your time tracking system to your volunteers.
- Do awards and competitions help volunteers track hours?
- An EXCLUSIVE case study showcasing successful volunteer time tracking!
- A guide for choosing the right time tracking system to match your program!