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National Learn To Row Day

Saturday, June 04 2016

BRC will participate in this USRowing national event on Saturday, June 4, 2016. This is a BIG annual event, so we need all the help we can get! last year we hosted 150+ guests rowers - & had a blast doing it too!

7:30am - 9:30am
1. Sign in and welcome participants. 2. Have participants sign waiver
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8:00am - 10:00am
General help, coordinate with Matt Tyrpak, Event Coordinator, & dock master(s) during the event
1 / 1
BRC Tour Guides
1. Give tour of boathouse 2. Assist with guiding people from the different stations
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Dock Master, 1st shift
1. Assure boats are ready to go (rowers and coxswains) 2. Help with launching and docking 3. Ensure boats return to the boathouse 4. Clear docks upon end of sessions
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Dock Assistant, 1st shift
Support Dock Masters, provide assistance with launching & docking (catching oars). Must be able to move between docks as needed
1 / 1
T-shirt sales, 1st shift
Sell T-shirts, track money & inventory. Will need to use cell phone & download Square Register POS to cell phone (login will be provided). Must have a data plan as there is no WiFi at the boathouse
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Erg Demo, 1st shift
1. Show novice participants the basics of the rowing stroke 2. Run erg relay
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Launch driver, 1st shift
1. Assure safety of rowers 2. Coach 3. Manage time on water
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Dock Coach, 1st shift
1. Go over boat hardware and components 2. Teach how to get into and out of a boat 3. Go over basics of the stroke
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Coxswains, 1st shift
1. Cox boat from boathouse to dock and back 2. Cox boat on water, staying nearby dock
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Rowers, 1st shift
1. Ensure stability of boat 2. Stern and Bow Pair needed for each boat
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9:30am - 11:30am
1. Sign in and welcome participants. 2. Have participants sign waiver
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10:00am - 12:00pm
General help, coordinate with Matt Tyrpak, Event Coordinator, & dock master(s) during the event
1 / 1
BRC Tour Guides
1. Give tour of boathouse 2. Assist with guiding people from the different stations
2 / 3
Dock Master, 2nd shift
1. Assure boats are ready to go (rowers and coxswains) 2. Help with launching and docking 3. Ensure boats return to the boathouse 4. Clear docks upon end of sessions
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Dock Assistant, 2nd shift
Support Dock Masters, provide assistance with launching & docking (catching oars). Must be able to move between docks as needed
1 / 1
Erg Demo, 2nd shift
1. Show novice participants the basics of the rowing stroke 2. Run erg relay
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Launch driver, 2nd shift
1. Assure safety of rowers 2. Coach 3. Manage time on water
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Dock Coach, 2nd shift
1. Go over boat hardware and components 2. Teach how to get into and out of a boat 3. Go over basics of the stroke
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Coxswains, 2nd shift
1. Cox boat from boathouse to dock and back 2. Cox boat on water, staying nearby dock
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Rowers, 2nd shift
1. Ensure stability of boat 2. Stern and Bow Pair needed for each boat
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10:00am - 12:30pm
T-shirt sales, 2nd shift
Sell T-shirts, track money & inventory. Will need to use cell phone & download Square Register POS to cell phone (login will be provided). Must have a data plan as there is no WiFi at the boathouse
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Contact the event organizers: BRC Baltimore Rowing Club