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Work/Play Day at Southeast Louisiana National Wildlife Refuge

Saturday, May 04 2019

PLEASES REGISTER BY CONTACTING: Jo Anne Dolan (contact info below)

Get your boots on the ground at one of our volunteer service days. The “Work” portion might include clearing trails and general garden maintenance, ending at noon. A light lunch is provided by the Friends of Louisiana Wildlife Refuges Inc. With events held at our Lacombe Headquarters the “Play” starts after lunch with a canoe outing on Bayou Lacombe. A perfect way to get outdoors, meet new people, and make a difference for stewardship! All equipment is provided and new volunteers are always welcome. 9 a.m. - 1:30 p.m. includes optional canoe tour, when event is at our Lacombe Headquarters.

Jo Anne Dolan
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
Refuge Ranger
Southeast Louisiana Refuges Complex
61389 Hwy 434
Lacombe, La 70445

9:00am - 12:00pm
Work Portion
12:00pm - 1:00pm
Play Portion

Contact the event organizers: Erin Richardson