Band Camp Day One- Parent Volunteers
Monday, July 15 2024
Week One. Monday-Thursday 7:30am-4:30pm, Friday 7:30am-9:00pm
Leadership, guard and percussion rookies and leadership meet Monday and Tuesday for fundamentals. Any veterans are also welcome.
Full band begins Wednesday. Marching drill begins with full music and attendance is mandatory.
Each day volunteers are needed to monitor practice field sessions, inside band sectionals, and the band room.
Donated snacks, water, and fruit are provided to participants.
An equipment manager is needed to help coordinate and implement percussion equipment to and from the field.
7:00am - 11:30am
Equipment Manager
Help front ensemble students transport percussion instruments with four wheeler and trailer
7:30am - 11:30am
AM Field Monitor
Ensure students stay hydrated and monitor students on the field with a positive attitude. Apply sunscreen, bug spray, and cooling towels if needed. Document any unsanctioned student breaks (if overheated, feeling nauseous, hurt, etc.) Usually a quick water break/cooling towel and encourage the student to get back on the field. Serve snacks. Keep water and Gatorade coolers full.
Need to bring own bag chair to the practice field, meet in band room, and travel with students.
AM Medic
Medical volunteer to monitor and assist students when needed. Volunteer should have some prior medical experience/training. Restock first aid bag.
11:30am - 1:30pm
Staff Lunch Setup
Set up and tear down staff lunch.
Make sure room is cooled and presentable with provided food and ice drinks for 15 staff members
11:45am - 12:45pm
Band Room Monitor
Sit in the band room to monitor students during lunch break
12:30pm - 4:30pm
Indoor Room Monitor
Be available during sectionals to assist Mr. G. Break down remaining water coolers and snacks from the day
Contact the event organizers: Eric Young, Tammy Peterson
Confirm Password
First Name *
Last Name *
Phone Number
My hours support (student name)
Student Section
Message to Organizer