Event Sign Up Sheet | Track It Forward

VBWFF Vivacious Volunteer Meeting

Thursday, March 01 2018

AS OF 2/24/18 - We are adjusting all meetings to begin at 6:30 (instead of 7) with the idea of having enough time to watch one FEATURE film (about 1hr30min) at the end of most meetings. Most fest goers will have questions about the features, so that is why we are focusing on those. As festival ambassadors, the features are what you'll need to be able to chat about! Feel free to invite newbies or re-invite those we've been missing!

At most meetings, we will be:

  • disseminating festival news & happenings
  • discussing upcoming promotional events
  • answering questions

*please note - films will take place after business ends

More specific details to come. We just wanted to get the volunteer meeting dates up NOW so you can get them on your calendar NOW!

Unless otherwise noted, all VBWFF volunteer meetings will be at the
Heritage Center
2140 14th Ave, Vero Beach, FL 32960

Thanks so much for all that you do to make YOUR Festival as amazing as possible!

6:30pm - 8:30pm
business first
business first, followed by fun!

Contact the event organizers: Heather Stapleton