Event Sign Up Sheet | Track It Forward


Tuesday, June 06 2017

Getting so close to festival time - let the FUN begin. Please get on the website (vbwff.com) and learn all you can! We want you to be the best festival ambassador you can be!

Festival goers who have already purchased tickets can come pick up their ticket packages prior to the festival. They will likely have questions - so, we ask that you be READY with answers! It is likely that others might be interested in buying tickets, too.

We will set up the EZ Up tent to use it as the PRE Festival Box Office - outside of Riverside theater - weather permitting.
It will be open on the following days and times:

Tuesday, June 6 from 2pm to 8pm
Wednesday, June 7 from 2pm to 8pm

In case of bad weather, box office will be inside the Riverside Theater - in the lobby - hours will change as follows:

Tuesday, June 6 from 12pm to 5pm***
Wednesday, June 7 from 12pm to 5pm***

*** Shifts will need to be adjusted.

Once the festival has actually begun, the box office will be located in the large hospitality tent (under the oaks at Riverside Park - directly south of the theater).

11:30am - 1:30pm
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1:30pm - 3:30pm
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3:30pm - 5:30pm
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Contact the event organizers: Heather Stapleton