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3rd Saturday - Kayak and On the Ground Trash Clean up

Saturday, October 21 2023

Each month we have an event on the 3rd Saturday of the Month. October's clean-up will be all about Lake Grapevine.
We will be hosting a kayak cleanup on the Flower Mound shoreline of Lake Grapevine.
Launch sites have been established for paddlers to cover the maximum amount of shoreline. In addition, volunteers are needed to walk the shorelines to collect trash that cannot be reached by water. This one-two punch will ensure we have the cleanest possible shoreline headed into the fall and winter!

Kayak and Canoe Volunteers - Space is limited at each launch location - see the "ticket" page to select your access point. You MUST provide your own kayak/canoe, paddles and lifejacket(s). Lifejackets must be worn at all times on the water.

Walking Volunteers - Spaces are available at Rockledge Park, Murrell Park and Twin Coves Park.
All Volunteers - Trash bags and/or buckets, grabbers and gloves are provided. Bring water, sun screen, sun hat, insect repellent and appropriate layered clothing for the weather. As always, when paddling or hiking near the shoreline, be aware of wildlife and snakes.
A reminder will be emailed prior to the clean up with any updates and parking instructions. Be sure to print your ticket and reminder notice - this will serve as your admission to Rockledge, Northshore Club (private neighborhood - only pre registered paddlers will be permitted), and Twin Coves Park.

8:30am - 12:00pm
Walking Trash Pickup
On the ground Trash pick up
Kayak Trash Cleanup
Kayaking on the lake to pick up trash

Contact the event organizers: Keep Flower Mound Beautiful