Keep Flower Mound Beautiful Recycle Drop Off
Saturday, April 09 2022
Saturday, April 9, 2022 - 9:30 to 1:30
We are looking for volunteers to do the following:
Remove recycles from cars and distribute to the various stations
Traffic Control
Car Counter
Assist organizing recycles at a station
9:30am - 1:30pm
Recycle drop off
Unload cars, direct traffic, work at recycle station
Contact the event organizers: Keep Flower Mound Beautiful
Confirm Password
First Name *
Last Name *
If you are part of a group: Business/Group Name
Phone Number *
Please list special skills - ie. construction, computer, .... *
Type of Volunteer - Adopt A Spot, Community Service, Honor Society, Group (list group name), Individual ...
If Adopt A Spot please name location adopted
If Community Service - list total hours needed
If Community Service - List Offense
If Community Service - list county & name of probation officer or “Deferred adjudication”
If Community Service - list E-Mail for probation officer
Message to Organizer