KFMB Monthly Trash Clean Up
Saturday, June 17 2017
This Saturday is our monthly trash clean up from 9:30 to 11:30! Please join us! We will meet at the Home Depot Parking lot - north west corner - at the corner of 2499 & Lakeside Parkway - and will pick up trash along 2499 & Lakeside. Hope to see you there!!
Contact the event organizers: Keep Flower Mound Beautiful
Confirm Password
First Name *
Last Name *
If you are part of a group: Business/Group Name
Phone Number *
Please list special skills - ie. construction, computer, .... *
Type of Volunteer - Adopt A Spot, Community Service, Honor Society, Group (list group name), Individual ...
If Adopt A Spot please name location adopted
If Community Service - list total hours needed
If Community Service - List Offense
If Community Service - list county & name of probation officer or “Deferred adjudication”
If Community Service - list E-Mail for probation officer
Message to Organizer