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T'ena Health Cultural Competency Training, Module 2: Cultural Awareness

Sunday, May 28 2023

Join us for Module 2: Cultural Awareness! Attend all 5 modules for a certificate of completion.

Join us for an educational and interactive virtual session on cultural competency in healthcare. Increase your knowledge in cultural diversity, and understand cultural behaviors and stereotypes. Participate in class activities and join discussions on cultural differences and norms. Build rapport with patients and coworkers, and boost your resume to potential employers!

All are welcome to sign up! No prerequisites required, modules may be taken out of order.

ZOOM LINK: https://us05web.zoom.us/j/84508494099?pwd=U28xT3lhUHNhRStjb0gwdHozTmtiQT09

11:00am - 1:00pm

Contact the event organizers: Jemal