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HV Parent Group Meeting

Thursday, May 16 2019

I am excited to announce our first HV Parent Group! From 6-8 I invite HV parents to come to our school for an evening of snacks, drinks and conversation! With children all around the same age, many of you are dealing with the same issues and sometimes it just feels good to talk to someone going through the same struggles. We will begin this journey in May and see where it may take us in the future. The dates may be flexible so if another week day works better for the group we can discuss a change. Please sign up to attend. If you have signed up but are unable to attend, please let a teacher know.

If there are less than 4 people signed up the event may be cancelled. We ask that this is an adults only event. Childcare is not provided.

6:00pm - 8:00pm

Contact the event organizers: Renee