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Confetti Eggs

Thursday, December 01 2022

One of the most popular booths at the Festival (for the kids)... CONFETTI EGGS!!!!!!!

Save those eggs, crack them nicely and most importantly, rinse them out!!!

We need you to do the simple job of filling confetti eggs in the comfort of your home. Have a confetti egg filling party!!!.

Please contact Sandra Tommasetti if you need more details – sandra.tommasetti@disney.com 818-512-8022

Please log under Pre Festival Hours (reminder, 8 pre festival hours are required)

Fill Confetti Eggs
Fill Confetti Eggs (Please make arrangements with Sandra Tommasetti to pick-up and bring eggs back to school). For Every Carton of Eggs we will give you 20 min
6 / 6

Contact the event organizers: Goethals Myra