Event Sign Up Sheet | Track It Forward

1- Open House, Start of Catholic Schools Week

Sunday, January 26 2020

SFDS Open House following the 10:00 AM Mass.

The SFDS Kitchen is off-limits for supplies for this event. Trays, baskets, serving utensils, knives, vases and anything else you may think you will need, should be brought from home. All donations should be brought to the lunch tables outside of the 1st grade classroom before mass begins.

Thanks You for your continued help & support!

9:30am - 9:30am
Please donate 2 dozen assorted donuts
Donation - 1 hour will be given
3 / 3
Please donate 3 dozen donut holes
Donation - 1 hour will be given
3 / 3
Please donate 100 small juice cups,
Donation - 1 hour will be given
1 / 1
Please donate 100 napkins
Donation - 1 hour will be given
1 / 1
Please donate 2 Dozen Bagels- Sliced
Donation - 2 hours will be given
1 / 1
Please donate 1 Large Tub of Cream Cheese - Whipped (easier to spread)
Donation - 1 hour will be given
1 / 1
Please donate 1 Apple Juice - One Gallon Jug
Donation - 1 hour will be given
1 / 1
Please donate 2 Orange Juice -One Gallon Jugs
Donation - 1 hour will be given
1 / 1
Please donate 2 Blue Tablecloths (plastic is fine)
Donation - 1 hour will be given
1 / 1
Please donate 70 small water bottles
Donation - 1 hour will be given
1 / 1
10:00am - 12:30pm
Please volunteer to help set-up, replenish food & clean-up the Open House Event
Volunteer - 3 hours will be given
2 / 2
10:45am - 10:45am
Please donate 1 Regular Starbucks Traveler (includes cups, creamer, sugar & stirrers)
Donation - 1 hour will be given
2 / 2
Please donate 1 Decaf Starbucks Traveler (includes cups, creamer, sugar & stirrers)
Donation - 1 hour will be given
2 / 2

Contact the event organizers: Nowak Cyndi