Event Sign Up Sheet | Track It Forward

Kinder - Valentine's Day Party

Friday, February 14 2020

Please help the Kindergartener's celebrate Valentine's Day by bringing in one of the following items or by volunteering to help at the party.

8:00am - 8:00am
Please donate 36 Valentine's Day themed MINI cupcakes
Donation - 1 hour will be given
1 / 1
Please donate 72 crackers (3 crackers each plate) to be served with the cheese
Donation - 1 hour will be given
1 / 1
Please donate 36 juice boxes
Donation - 1 hour will be given
1 / 1
Please donate decorations or a center piece for 4 tables
Donation - 1 hour will be given
1 / 1
Please volunteer to help at the party
Donation - 2hrs will be given
2 / 2
9:30am - 9:30am
Please donate 72 heart shaped pieces of cheese
Donation - 2 hours will be given
1 / 1
Please donate 36 strawberries kabobs (maybe 2 -3 strawberries per stick
Donation - 2 hours will be given
1 / 1

Contact the event organizers: Kramer Keathley Clare