Event Sign Up Sheet | Track It Forward

3 - Halloween Party

Tuesday, October 31 2017

Mr. W likes a fun Halloween Day. The day will be filled with games, a Halloween treat, and the school-wide parade. Please sign up to donate items for the 3rd grade party or to volunteer your time.

8:00am - 8:00am
Please donate for the gross-feeling mystery game. In the mystery game the kids will wear a blindfold. They will need to guess what squirmy items they are touching. Some suggestions of items may be cauliflower with lotion on it (a brain), cooked spaghetti with lotion mixed in (the guts), and mini vienna sausages (fingers). Plese be creative and communicate with the other parents signed up for this activity so that we only have one brain and one guts...
Donation - 2 hours will be given.
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100+ Baby Wipes for the kids to use after they touch the gross items.
Donation - 1 hour will be given
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Please donate 50 orange or black solo cups for a game
Donation - 1 hour will be given
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Please donate 6 tennis balls (1 tennis ball should have a ghost drawn on it).
Donation - 1 hour will be given
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Please loan us 2 small cauldrons for the tennis balls in one and prizes in the other.
Donation - 1 hour will be given
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Please donate 50 Halloween themed prizes such as pencils, stickers, balls, etc. to be given away to the winners of the games.
Doantion - 1 hour will be given
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Please donate 12 rolls of toilet paper for the mummy races
Donation - 1 hour will be given
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Please donate 3 medium sized pumpkins (8-10 pounds each)
Donation - 1.5 hours will be given.
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Please donate 40 small Halloween themed napkins
Donation - 1 hour will be given
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Please donate 40 small water bottles
Donation - 1 hour will be given
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Please donate a Halloween themed treat (cookies, cupcakes
Donation - 1 hour will be given
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8:00am - 11:00am
Please help volunteer your time at the 3rd grade party. You will help run the games, serve the treat, and clean up after the event.
Volunteer - 3 hours will be given.
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Contact the event organizers: Galla Tony