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Dayspring Secondary School's "The Great Dayspring Race"

Tuesday, May 22 2018

Hello Dayspring Families!
Daysprings Secondary School will be hosting it's first "Great Dayspring Race!" This is a fun-filled event where learners will be in groups and participate in skilled based stations that promote enjoyable educational tasks and outside physical activities. If you are in need of volunteers hours and are an APPROVED volunteer, this is a great opportunity to earn those hours. To find out if you are an APPROVED volunteer, contact your front office at your child's school. Remember to bring water/drinks for hydration, sunscreen and hat for your own personal protection.

7:00am - 11:00am
Set -up and Station Attendant
Arrive early to aid staff in set- up of event. Man a station for remainder of time.
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7:30am - 12:00pm
Station Attendant and Breakdown
Man a station when arriving at event. Aid staff in breakdown of event.
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Contact the event organizers: Dayspring Volunteers