Event Sign Up Sheet | Track It Forward

Drop off and Pick Up Monitors

Monday, May 17 2021

Drop off and pick up Monitors help direct traffic and ensure safety of dancers and they get dropped off/picked up at the Capitol Theater. Some drop off monitors may be asked to walk dancers from drop off area to theatre. Please do not sign up for a shift if you have signed up for a monitor shift at the same time. Thanks for helping to keep our students safe!

3:30pm - 4:15pm
Traffic Monitor
Drop Off First Half; You may claim 1.5 hours volunteer time for this shift
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5:30pm - 7:15pm
Traffic Monitor
Pick up first half; Finale & 2nd Half Drop off ; you may claim 2.5 hours volunteer time for this shift
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8:30pm - 9:15am
2nd half pick up
Pick Up 2nd half; you may claim 1.5 hours
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Contact the event organizers: Jennifer Killpack-Knutsen