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All School Science Festival and Science Fair Judges 2020

Thursday, January 30 2020

Help out at this annual all-school event that combines the 7th Grade Science Fair with a general science night for all grades. We are currently looking for volunteers to run the science stations and facilitate the activities. Contact Michelle Giacotto at mgiacotto@seacrestschool.org for more details.

6:00pm - 8:30pm
Science Festival
Help out the evening of the event at the various science stations.
Science Fair Judge
As a judge, you will be asked to read, analyze, assess and score about five to seven 7th grade projects. The displays will be put up to be viewed from January 28-30 and interviewing students can take place during the Sea Crest Science Festival the evening of January 30. It is preferred that you do both (view/judge without students and then interview the students during the festival), but if you are unable to attend the Science Festival you can still sign-up to be a science fair judge. Mr. Twinning will provide score cards and details on what and how to score. If you sign-up, you will be getting an email with further instructions. Thank you for your consideration.
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Contact the event organizers: Michelle Giacotto 6507129892