University Museum Front Desk Volunteer
Wednesday, February 15 2023
University Museum
412 University Avenue
Oxford, MS
The University Museum is looking for some front desk help with greeting people, answering phones, and with check outs at the gift shop.
They have their own parking lot, so no parking pass is needed to volunteer here!
12:00pm - 2:00pm
Front Desk Volunteer
Contact the event organizers: Marlee Carpenter
Confirm Password
Phone Number *
First Name *
Last Name *
Birthday *
Birthday Month *
Mailing Address *
Are you bilingual?
Are you a Court Ordered Volunteer?
Primary Volunteer Interest *
Secondary Volunteer Interest *
Are you volunteering through a company? *
Tshirt Size *
How do you want to track your hours?
Volunteer Insurance *
Emergency Contact Name *
Emergency Contact Phone Number *
Beneficiary Name *
Beneficiary Relationship *
Beneficiary Address *
Beneficiary Phone *
Photo Consent *
Background Check *
Name Tag (Admin Only)
Message to Organizer