Red Kettle Campaign + Angel Tree
Tuesday, October 04 2022
Salvation Army Retail Store
October 4 @ 8AM
We are having an interest and brief expectation training on what it takes for Red Kettle Campaign and the Angel Tree program to succeed. If you are interested in being a part of this effort, please consider joining us at the Salvation Army.
Behind the scenes opportunities may include:
- calling businesses to signup
- writing thank you notes
- reminding volunteers
- verifying information
- registering recipients
Contact the event organizers: Marlee Carpenter
Confirm Password
Phone Number *
First Name *
Last Name *
Birthday *
Birthday Month *
Mailing Address *
Are you bilingual?
Are you a Court Ordered Volunteer?
Primary Volunteer Interest *
Secondary Volunteer Interest *
Are you volunteering through a company? *
Tshirt Size *
How do you want to track your hours?
Volunteer Insurance *
Emergency Contact Name *
Emergency Contact Phone Number *
Beneficiary Name *
Beneficiary Relationship *
Beneficiary Address *
Beneficiary Phone *
Photo Consent *
Background Check *
Name Tag (Admin Only)
Message to Organizer