Event Sign Up Sheet | Track It Forward

More Than A Meal-- Signup Genius

Tuesday, January 31 2023

More Than A Meal has plenty of available slots to either volunteer or provide a meal! Please follow the link to sign-up through their sign-up geniuses. Service hours can still be logged through Track-it-Forward but will need to be submitted manually. They meet every Tuesday that the Oxford School District is in session.
The Stone Center
423 Washington Avenue
Oxford, MS
5:00 PM

Volunteer: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10c0d4faea72caaf9c70-more1
Provide a Meal: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/20f0f44afaa22a4f85-mtam2

No shifts have been set up for this event yet.

Contact the event organizers: Marlee Carpenter