Event Sign Up Sheet | Track It Forward

Thursday December 22 Magnolia Class Craft Volunteers/ Supplies

Thursday, December 22 2022

We will be making a craft on Thursday from 9:30 to 10:40. If you are available during this time I could use 4-5 helpers. Bring a glue gun and glue sticks if you can. We will also need bags of cinnamon scented pine cones donated for this craft. If you are able to purchase and donate a bag that would be great. They can be found for about $3.50 - $7.00 from places like Smith's, Trader Jo's, or Michaels. There are between 5 - 10 pinecones in a bag. We could also use some white or brown felt and 1-2 bags of cotton balls.

9:30am - 10:30am
Craft Volunteer
Helping with craft in the classroom
2 / 5
Glue gun/ glue sticks
5 / 5
Cinnamon scented pine cones
bag of 10
3 / 4
white felt
1 / 1
brown felt
1 / 1
2 bags of cotton balls
1 / 1

Contact the event organizers: Rude