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Kinderhouse Hearth Donations

Saturday, October 30 2021

Please consider donating to the Kinderhouse Pantry, these items will be used throughout the school year and we would love to stock the shelves for the entire year. These items will be used throughout the school year to flavor the snacks that are given to the children. Items can be sent in with your child once signed up (you don't have to wait till Oct. 30th). The hearth mother will cut up all veggies and if there are extras they will be frozen until the next week. Thanks for your donations!

8:00am - 1:11am
4 / 10
8:00am - 11:45am
Better than bouillon (Vegetable)
4 / 10
8:00am - 11:50am
Bragg's Liquid Aminos
Example: https://www.smithsfoodanddrug.com/p/bragg-seasoning-liquid-aminos/0007430500032?&cid=shp_adw_shopg_.smiths_g_pla_shop_acq_evgn_ship_health+%26+wellness&gclid=Cj0KCQjwnJaKBhDgARIsAHmvz6dlJpGNmxdymcihnfph2lTs7jh_-JQsSQVdhZnUXJTa1JuN-FMmQEsaAtMLEALw_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds
2 / 15
Nutritional Yeast
Can be purchased in bulk sections of grocers
1 / 10
Coconut Oil
Costco Tubs
2 / 10
Glass Jars (Peeled & Minced)
1 / 1
Tomato Sauce
Biggest cans available
2 / 2
Frozen Peas
1 / 1
Lentils (Dry)
Can be purchased in the bulk sections of grocers
4 / 10
Bag of Onions
2 / 10
Regular bag
2 / 10
Coconut Milk (canned)
14 / 20

Contact the event organizers: Wonenberg