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SMC - Walker Valley Work Party

Sunday, February 26 2023

***** POSTPONED!! *****
Due to excessive snowfall in the forecast, this work party has been postponed to Sunday March 5. Please check back to confirm if the weather is cooperating for the new date.

Come join us on Sunday, February 26th for a work party / ride.

If you can make it, please sign up ASAP so we can plan work and refreshments. (Link Below)

We're going to be focused on our single track trails. So far we've surveyed I5, and Webfoot. There's brush work, some trunk sections that need to be cut away from the trail, drainage maintenance, and some water bars to be built to get water flow off the trail.

In the next couple weeks we're going to be surveying up SMC towards Curt's Conundrum making work plans too.
That's a lot of work to do, and we need you!

We're hoping to make this big and awesome. Join us!


Contact the event organizers: Evan Sussman