Quarantine Community COOKBOOK Submissions
Sunday, August 23 2020
Do you love to cook or bake?
Help us build community during quarantine by sending us your favorite dish or dessert for our cookbook!
Email OFH@redmond.gov or DM on Instagram
1. Include a picture of your finished dish
2. Include the recipe with the instructions.
Optional: Something personal about it! (Like this was my grandmother's recipe, or this is the first thing I learned to make.
3. Please include any social media @mentions if you'd like to be tagged in the post
All submissions are due Sunday 8/23
Teens submitting work can earn the following service hours:
3-hours for the picture and recipe
1-hour for sharing or reposting our final cookbook on your social media (this is how we take attendance) Thursday, 8/27
Contact the event organizers:
Confirm Password
First Name *
Last Name *
Phone Number *
Emergency Contact *
Emergency Contact Email *
Emergency Contact Phone *
Message to Organizer