Virtual Creative Songwriting Workshop - Writing Prompts with Books!
Saturday, August 22 2020
Do you ever wonder how songwriters find inspiration to write their songs? It isn’t always easy but they eventually figure it out.
Learn one of the many ways, songwriters write their songs! Through Books! Grab a few novels/books of your choice of genres by your side August 22nd at 4:30 pm on Zoom. You will be on the lookout for random, slightly complex words and implement them into a song in the most creative ways while effectively creating a unique lyrical message!
Just a reminder, all you need are a few books that satisfy common, broad genres. We will go through many common book genres and then select one. Once we make our selection, each one of you will pick out a word from the book you have matching the genre selected. After that, ...well you can tell, those words will shape into a song with a common theme.
Platform for online class- Zoom (you need an account)
Service hours- 1 hour for attending
Contact the event organizers: