Event Sign Up Sheet | Track It Forward

Activism Photography Submissions Due

Monday, August 17 2020

Share your art about current activism in our community, the nation and the world.

We will premier this show on August 21st

Email us OFH@redmond.gov a picture of your art (all mediums welcome)

Please include you artist bio or at least your name and a description of your work.
Please include any social media @mentions if you'd like to be tagged in the show.

Note - if your photos include any identifiable faces, we ask that you get written consent from the person to have the image be made public. Photos with faces that do not include written consent cannot be included.

All art submissions are due August 17th.

Artists submitting work can earn the following service hours:
2 hours for the art submission
1 hour for an artist bio
1 hour for the art show if shared on your feed (this is how we take attendance) 7/11

12:00am - 12:00am

Contact the event organizers: