Woodlands Conservancy Volunteer Days
Wednesday, August 10 2022
YOU MUST REGISTER HERE: volunteer@woodlandsconservancy.org.
Join us to help care for and maintain the newly planted trees. Woodlands Conservancy needs volunteers to help maintain the planting plots of newly planted trees. Maintenance involves work like: removing weeds and vines from on and around the saplings, staking fallen trees, and watering trees. We will meet at the Trailhead’s Daybrook Pavilion (at 9:00am. We will plan to work for about 2-3 hours. This work will happen about ½ mile from the trailhead in a sunny area. Keep the environment and work activity in mind when choosing your clothing. Closed toed shoes are highly encouraged. Please bring your own water. To Sign Up Contact: volunteer@woodlandsconservancy.org. We will meet at Woodalnds Preserve: 449 F Edward Hebert Blvd Belle Chasse, LA 70037 United States
Saturday July 23, August 6, & August 20th
Wednesday July 27th & August 10th
449 F Edward Hebert Blvd
Belle Chasse, LA 70037 United States
Contact the event organizers: Volunteer & Continuing Education Committee