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CRCL. : Plaquemines Oyster Reef Deployment

Friday, April 22 2022

Must Register Here:

The Coalition to Restore Coastal Louisiana (CRCL) is excited to have you join us in Buras, LA! Launched in June 2014, CRCL’s Oyster Shell Recycling Program recycles shell from participating New Orleans-based restaurants and uses that shell to restore oyster reefs and shoreline habitat across Coastal Louisiana. In July 2021, volunteers deployed the Plaquemines Community Reef using 150 tons of recycled oyster shells. We are deploying Phase Two of this project to reinforce the reef. Volunteers will load bagged oyster shells onto trailers, trucks, and boats at the Buras Boat Harbor site to facilitate on the water deployment by Grand Bayou community members. The Plaquemines Community Reef protects a sensitive heritage site from further erosion. Additionally, as this is our last reef deployment from the Buras site, volunteer assistance in trash cleanup and site close out would be greatly appreciated. We strive to leave the site in better shape than when we moved in.

Volunteers are invited but not required to get into the water to construct the reef. We recommend that volunteers prepare to get wet and muddy and bring a change of clothes. A hose is available at the launch site.

10:00am - 3:00pm
Recycling volunteer

Contact the event organizers: Volunteer & Continuing Education Committee