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Trees : Observe, Collect and Compare

Saturday, April 10 2021

WALK IN THE WOODS from 1 to 4 pm at the Northlake Nature Center east of Mandeville. Note that there are two Walk in the Woods events the same day but on different trails. In the morning, Rue has her seasonal walk for the public/members. In the afternoon, a walk just for naturalists on a different trail.

Format is to observe in detail all aspects of a tree, collect samples of leaves, twigs, and seeds and then set up a

table to compare features of what was collected. As example of comparisons, note the difference between a compound and a simple leaf (and if entire, lobed or serrated), twigs with opposite and alternative leaves and leaves with pinnate and palmate veins. Plus numerous other comparisons of features all to aid in identification.

If able to come, please send a note to Byron Almquist, byron@canoeandtrail.com for more details…………….

1:00pm - 4:00pm
Tree session
Continuing Education

Contact the event organizers: Volunteer & Continuing Education Committee