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Teacher Appreciation Dinner

Thursday, February 15 2018

Parent teachers conference dinner. Let’s show our teachers some love and provide a great meal for them. This is a pot luck style dinner and all food needs to be cooked and ready to serve. If you bring in a crockpot or any pan, please label it with your name. We will clean them and put them in the teachers’ lounge for pick up the following day. It would be appreciated if you could help in any way.
If you have any questions text or call 8014301965.

Thank You
Dessa Wright

4:00pm - 4:30pm
Set up
set up tables and chairs & get all food ready to serve.
2 / 2
Sloppy Joe
2 pounds beef sloppy joe. Bring in crock pot or oven safe dish to keep warm.
2 / 3
Sloppy Joe
2 pounds ground turkey for sloppy joe. Bring in crock pot or oven safe dish
2 / 2
plant based sloppy joe
2 pounds plant based/vegetarian sloppy joe. in crockpot or oven safe dish.
1 / 1
Hamberger Buns
1 Dozen
2 / 5
Potato Chips
1 bags of any variety chips
4 / 7
Vegetable Tray & Dip
Veggie tray ready to serve
2 / 4
Fruit tray
Fruit tray/bowl of fruit ready to serve.
1 / 4
one dozen any variety
2 / 6
6:00pm - 6:30pm
Clean up
Help clean up dinner and table and chairs
2 / 2

Contact the event organizers: Wright