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Movie night for Grade 1 to 4 /Soirée ciné (CP à CM1)

Friday, November 17 2017

Movies night for Grade 1 to 4 on Friday Nov 17th, from 5 to 7:30pm
Helping at the entrance, supervising the kids during the movie, helping on snack distribution and cleaning up after the movie. First aid certificate requested.
Number of volunteers needed : 1

Helping at the entrance, supervising the kids during the movie, helping for the snack and cleaning up after the movie.
Number of volunteers needed : 2

Soirée ciné (CP à CM1) Vendredi 17 Novembre de 17 à 19h30
Aider à l'accueil des enfants, surveiller les enfants pendant le film et aider à la distribution du gouter / diner léger, ranger et nettoyer. Une formation de premier secours est demandé pour ce bénévolat.
Nombre de bénévoles requis : 1

Aider à l'accueil des enfants, surveiller les enfants pendant le film et aider à la distribution du gouter / diner léger, ranger et nettoyer.
Nombre de bénévoles requis : 2

Thank you! Merci!

Cousteau PAC

5:00pm - 7:30pm
Supervisor with First aid certificate requested.
Helping at the entrance, supervising the kids during the movie, helping on snack distribution and cleaning up after the movie. First aid certificate requested.
1 / 1
Kids supervisor.
Helping at the entrance, supervising the kids during the movie, helping for the snack and cleaning up after the movie.
2 / 2

Contact the event organizers: patricia.bonillasl