Event Sign Up Sheet | Track It Forward

Resource Conservation District Water Quality Volunteer

Saturday, April 28 2018

Saturday, April 28th, 2018
Time: 1:00pm-2:00pm
Location: GCSD Meeting Room at 504 Avenue Alhambra, 3rd Floor El Granada, CA 94018

The San Mateo RCD is looking for volunteers to take part in the 19th annual Snapshot Day sampling event. Interested parties will receive training and education about water quality sampling and work with other volunteers to assist in the largest single day water quality monitoring event in California. Become a citizen scientist and learn about the health of steams in your backyard. Collect important water quality data and take action to protect water resources for people, plants and animals. The training is open to all ages and experience levels. The Training will be held on Saturday April 28th, and Snapshot Day sampling event will take place the following Saturday, May 5th.

To sign up, please contact Julian Carroll at julian@sanmateorcd.org or Lisa Emanuelson at Lisa.emanuelson@noaa.gov.

No shifts have been set up for this event yet.

Contact the event organizers: Jacqueline Nunez