Event Sign Up Sheet | Track It Forward

SLOREP Volunteer Opportunities

Wednesday, October 18 2017


5:30pm - 8:30pm
HOSPITALITY (duties covered by 1-2 volunteers) * PLEASE DOWNLOAD AND READ THE ATTACHMENTS TO THIS JOB ASSIGNMENT PRIOR TO VOLUNTEERING * Arrive no later than shift start time - CALL OR TEXT HOUSE MANAGER IF YOU WILL BE MORE THAN 5 MINUTES LATE (Lacey McNamara 805-801-2472) * Wear black pants, white or black shirt, & closed-toe shoes
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Bartender (beer/wine)
* PLEASE DOWNLOAD AND READ THE ATTACHMENTS TO THIS JOB ASSIGNMENT PRIOR TO VOLUNTEERING * Arrive no later than shift start time - CALL OR TEXT HOUSE MANAGER IF YOU WILL BE MORE THAN 5 MINUTES LATE (Lacey McNamara 805-801-2472) * Wear black pants, a white or black shirt, with closed-toe shoes * Must be 21 or older if selling alcohol
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Contact the event organizers: Brian Lampert