Event Sign Up Sheet | Track It Forward

SAC Rack @ The Christmas Market

Sunday, December 04 2022

During the Christmas Market the PGE will be selling some gently used uniforms. Items for sale include, blazers, white dress shirts & golf shirts along with grey flannel pants. We need some volunteers to help work the table by setting it up, selling the clothing and taking down the table at the end of the market. So sign up and help us make this a great success!

9:00am - 11:00am
Set-up and work the table
Set-up the table for the first hour and work the table for the last hour
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11:00am - 1:00pm
Work the table
Help parents find what they need from the selection of used clothing
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1:00pm - 3:00pm
Work the table
Help parents find what they need from the selection of used clothing
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3:00pm - 5:00pm
Take down and work the table
Work the table for the first hour and take it down in the last hour
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Contact the event organizers: May Lisa